
Wednesday, 21 October 2015



Are My Mandalas Personalised?

The word mandala is of Sanskrit origin and it means circle. Mandalas have been used for millenniums as a tool for meditation. There is a lot of information about the forms and colours of mandalas. It is scientifically proved that colours affect our body, just think about colour and light therapy.

When I have decided to supplement my therapy by mandala painting, I have started to realise that if I replace the code of our birth with the number of our chakras  there is a magnificent correspondence. I replace the codes of our birth with the numbers of our chakras and I use the colours of these chakras to paint my personalised and therapeutic mandalas.
The way I calculate the code that I reduce the date of our birth to a single number. For example, from 26 there will be 26/8. Then I check if the individual has any problem with the 2nd chakra (control of desires) or with the 6th chakra (intuition, spiritual principles).
The number 8 does not need to separately look into because this is an “angelic” number.
By investigating many cases, I am sure that there is an entire connection  among the date of birth, the codes calculated from this date and the life story.  There was no exception that someone did not have a challenge or learning opportunity on those chakras that are present in the date of birth.
In numerology, this code is called destiny number. This calculation is also used by Dan Millman in his book called The Life You Were Born to Live as a life task system.
These numbers come with us when we are born because we came by the intention to learn and to attract the exact people into our life for this task. From parents to teachers and from friends to relationships we attract exactly those people who can give us lessons that are suitable for the right subject matter of our everyday life. Because the life is a lesson and the curriculum was made by us before we were born. We chose the subjects we need to work on to improve and we attract those ‘teachers’ that are needed for our subjects.

Often we feel that our relationships are not simple, but then it is good to know that we planned and chose them. When we can handle this situation from a certain distance (we can observe it from outside), we can even say thank you for these people that participated (in our ‘training’), because they would have a better life if they are nice with us. But then there would be no opportunity for learning and development.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Hypnotic Regression: Is It Possible and Are We Allowed Hypnotising Everyone?

Hypnotic Regression

In spiritual circles hypnotic regression is a widespread method. At the same time, many people respond that they cannot be hypnotised by this method. For this reason some are grim, while others are proud that they cannot be guided back to their previous life. But no one mentions why they cannot be hypnotised and why this treatment is not good for everyone.
Regression is suitable if we have a spiritual discontent or stuck in our present life. But not everyone is suitable for this journey. A proper spiritual readiness is needed, because sometimes terrific things can appear from our previous lives.
For example, for one of my patient, it was very useful, because in one of her regression journeys she realised why she is afraid to live a prosperous life. Reason for this was that in one of her previous life she lost her life because she was rich. In her present life she had knowledge and opportunities for a better life, but unconsciously she was afraid that she needs to pay with her life if she becomes rich. But soon after she realised that she is stuck because of her previous life and her subconscious fear was blocking the stream of money toward her, these energies of “abundance” started to get into her life. She attracted a financial state into her life that she deserves on the base of her present knowledge and action.
But for example, one of my associatesat one occasion had a horrifying “time-travelling”. I am not going into details – because I did not get a consent – but because of her behaviour in her previous life she has now a very smart yet physically disabled child. At the same time, in the present life she has the opportunity to fix her previous mistakes and to dedicate her life to healing. She was strong enough to face her old actions. She was spiritually advanced, so she was not blaming her destiny for the condition of her child. Yet she was investigating the reasons for this. She settled down when she found out why is her child as it is. But if she had not been able to tackle with these karmic stories, possibly she would have mental problems.
Also, there was an occasion when someone knew spontaneously from his memory who he wants to marry. In her previous life she did not save his life, though she could do so. He was aware of this; yet, he fell in love as he could not avoid his destiny. Of course, in his present life the women did not cause any harm to him, the love was mutual, but after 14 years they divorced. Then, he misused her financially; because of his subconscious memories he made her pay her debt. The women tolerated this without a fight; she did not do anything against him. No one knew why she is not fighting. But she was probably subconsciously aware that she was paying back her karmic debt towards her husband.
I think hypnotic regression is a very useful therapy, but we need to look at our past only if we have a reason. We should not investigate our past without reason, just because of our curiosity.
If we still set off and we realise that even if we turned to a good practitioner things do not work – because the secret remains secret – then think through, maybe we are not strong enough to process information from our previous lives.
Elisabet Tolnay

Lehet-e, szabad-e mindenkit hypnotizálni?
Spirituális körökben elterjedt terápiás módszer a regressziós hypnózis.
Ugyanakkor sokan jelzik, hogy őket nem lehet így kezelni.
Van, aki elkeseredik emiatt, van, aki büszkén mondja, ő erős akaratú, őt azért nem tudják vissza vinni előző életbe.
Csak arról nem esik szó, hogy akit nem lehet, azt miért nem, és jó-e mindenkinek ez a terápiás módszer.
A regressziós hypnózis akkor célszerű, ha jelen életünkben nem találjuk valamilyen lelki panasz, elakadás okát.
De nem mindenki alkalmas erre az utazásra. A léleknek kellően felkészültnek kell lennie, hisz néha nagyon durva dolgok derülnek ki előző életünkből.
Egyik kezeltem számára például nagyon hasznos volt, mert egy ilyen utazás során jött rá, hogy most azért nem mer anyagi bőségben élni, mert egy régi életében a gazdagságáért, életével fizetett. Pedig a tudása és a lehetőségei is adottak voltak a jelenben egy jobb élethelyzethez. De tudat alatt félt, hogy a sok pénzért életével kell fizetni. Miután kiderült számára elakadásának előző életbeli oka, tudat alatti félelme, mellyel akadályozta a pénz beáramlását, hamarosan megindultak ezek a bőség-energiák az életében. Olyan anyagi helyzetet vonzott be, amit megérdemelt jelenlegi tudása és tettei alapján.
De például egyik tanuló társam számára egy ilyen idő-utazás alkalmából nagyon durva dolgok derültek ki. Nem részletezem, mert nem kaptam rá felhatalmazást, de előző életbeli tettei miatt lett most egy nagyon értelmes, ám szinte mozgásképtelen gyermeke. Ugyanakkor a jelenben megkapta a lehetőséget, hogy helyrehozza régi hibáit és életét a gyógyításnak szentelje. Ő elég erős volt szembenézni régi tetteivel. Annál fejlettebb volt spirituálisan, hogy a sorsot okolta volna gyermeke állapotáért, ezért kutatta az okokat. Szinte megnyugodott, mikor megtudta gyermeke miért lett olyan, amilyen.
De ha nem tudott volna megbirkózni ezekkel a karmikus történésekkel, akár mentális problémái is lehettek volna.
Volt olyan eset is, amikor valaki spontán emlékképek alapján tudta, hogy akit feleségül kíván venni, egy előző életében nem mentette meg az életét, pedig megtehette volna. De mivel a sorsunkat nem kerülhetjük el, hiába „látta” kit vesz el, a szerelem győzött és mégis megházasodott. Természetesen jelen életében az asszony nem ártott neki, kölcsönös volt a szerelem, de 14 év múlva, váláskor a férj anyagilag nagyon „elbánt vele”: tudatalatti emlékei miatt megfizettette vele karmikus adósságát. Az asszony pedig harc nélkül tűrte, nem tett semmit ellene. Senki sem értette miért nem harcol. Ő viszont valószínűleg tudat alatt tisztában volt vele, most letudta előző életbeli karmikus tartozását volt férje felé.
Úgy gondolom nagyon hasznos ez a terápia, de csak okkal induljunk múltunk megismerése felé. Ne kutakodjunk ok nélkül, kíváncsiságból a múltban.
Ha pedig mégis elindulunk és azt vesszük észre, hogy bár jó szakemberhez fordultunk nem működik, mert a titok, titok marad –– gondoljuk végig, hátha még nem vagyunk elég erősek a hírek feldolgozására.
Elizabeth Tolnay

Thursday, 27 August 2015

I am dealing with spiritual counselling. I complete the therapy with painting mandalas. As the impact of colours on the organism is already scientifically proven, mandalas do not only mean beautiful but also useful objects when used in combination with other treatments. I found my way to spirituality, as many others do, due to my illness. The continual pain hardly bearable in the course of nine years made me sit down and think of the reason why I had got it! I did not consider myself to be guilty for a moment as you can hear in religion God would punish me with this pain. After reading numerous books and accomplishing courses I arrived at my final recognition – the laws of spirituality made me clear this stage of my life. I use various methods at counselling, my most beloved one though is working with angels whom I believe in much. I know they stand by me in every life situation. Even if I cannot get off with some events that are due to happen, angels help me find a solution and tackle the problems. By the time I realized the method was working, I had acquired by myself the art of painting personal mandalas and studied the correlation of numbers and birth tasks on several people. When I know one’s birth data, I am able to tell him/her about their life tasks and paint them such a personal mandala that would assist in the solution of the tasks.
Elisabeth Tolnay


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HOLY means dedicated to God or sacred. Our work can be to some extent associated with this word because we are positive and we want to make this world (GLOBE) better.
HOLY can also be associated with the word WHOLE. So HOLYness or completeness may also refer to the guidance to a balanced and healthy life we promote.
HOLY – refers to our work which is not only limited to science and knowledge but also to wisdom and compassion .
HOLY – represents our HOLISTIC view as well.
HOLY – can be associated with one of our mottos to live your life in full capacity.
GLOBE – could be associated with Mother Earth or Mother Nature (a living entity, which has a spiritual connection with us)
GLOBE may refer to – world, earth, orb, sphere, circle, life cycle and reincarnation, globalisation etc.
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